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体坛网球 [完整版10.36MB](体育竞技游戏),Hit the courts and play the most incredible tennis game you've ever seen! Current Version: 1.0i (Updated Apr. 6th, 05)Easy Mouse Controls Easy "breakout" style hitting and aiming!Relaxing Music Pleasant music that blends with each courtRings Mode In this un-tennis mode, collecting rings is the thing!7 Colorful Characters Fun 3D characters with plenty of personality4 Stunning Courts A nice selection of captivating courts!Tour MapProgress through a fun map as you work to become the Tennis Titan!Exhibition Mode Unlock this mode to play anyone, anywhere! 体坛网球下载地址
支持系统:WinXP, Win2000, WinME, Win9X



Hit the courts and play the most incredible tennis game you've ever seen! Current Version: 1.0i (Updated Apr. 6th, 05) Easy Mouse Controls Easy "breakout" style hitting and aiming! Relaxing Music Pleasant music that blends with each court Rings Mode In this un-tennis mode, collecting rings is the thing! 7 Colorful Characters Fun 3D characters with plenty of personality 4 Stunning Courts A nice selection of captivating courts! Tour MapProgress through a fun map as you work to become the Tennis Titan! Exhibition Mode Unlock this mode to play anyone, anywhere!
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完整版 10.36MB